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Website evolution (October 2021)

This is the first major revision of my website since it was launched in November 2019. The previous version had 6 main headings, a portfolio split between two sections, subdivided int0 16 subjects/projects and containing a total of 172 images of an eclectic range of genres. I originally felt the need to demonstrate the range of subjects I had taken since 2010 - in some way to establish my credibility in the eyes of each visitor, whether a novice or with more experience. It was my first step into the unknown and carried some risk in “putting myself out there”.

Two years later, with over 30 subscribers and 120 Instagram followers, I now feel more established and can confidently declare myself a landscape photographer. My vision is clearer and my objectives are more focussed: this revised website now aims to reflect my more developed technical skills, and most importantly, more of the “inner me”. So, its simplified structure is comprised of just one portfolio with 3 subject genres: Landscapes; Woods & trees; and Mysteries & abstracts containing just 42 images: my curation of these images reflects my existing and desired philosophy moving forward.


Photography is the medium through which I can best portray my deeper creative expression, and landscapes in the widest sense enable me to explore my deepening connection with nature and understanding of my place in the universe. What now drives my photography are two key creative principles when conceiving, planning, capturing and processing images:

  • create images that have value to me, and say something to me, about me, or both, rather than to please an audience

  • visualise each image having more meaning than its face value, and saying as much, if not more than, about me than they do about the subject

I thank Alister Benn of Expressive Photography for his contribution to this philosophy through his recent e-book “The secret of creativity” which stimulated my thinking and spoke closely to my stage of development and desired approach. For those interested in developing their photographic creativity I encourage them to look it up:

Criteria for portfolio image selection

As part of his philosophy, Alister has developed an approach to creativity which has been developed over many years’ experience. Five principles provide a helpful framework/checklist for any image and I used these as criteria to choose every image in the new portfolio:

  • Luminosity: the distribution of light through the image

  • Contrast: the boundaries of light and shade, whether global, local, detail or texture

  • Geometry: the use of angles, curves, lines and shapes, and the dynamics of their relationships

  • Colour: strong warm colours are attractive e.g. sunrises and sunsets: cooler , darker colours can be mysterious. Sometimes black and white is more impactful

  • Atmosphere: enhanced by light, time of day, clouds, flowing water, mist, fog, snow, rain, wind etc.

Given my need/desire to reflect my deepening spirituality, and to own this approach even more, I would add one more dimension:

  • Connection: evoking a sense of the mysterious, and reflecting the deeper meaning, both for me and the viewer

“The mind is a process the soul uses in order for its creativity to find expression in physical form. When you are being creative you are coming into harmony with your soul and your spiritual source.”

(Kenneth Meadows: “Where Eagles Fly” 1998)

Website platform Squarespace continues to be the high-quality, user-friendly platform that I hoped for - unsponsored!

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