A different project...

I realise that I didn’t produce a blog in August. During the 9 weeks from early June until mid-August we were visiting or hosting families for 50 days, so photographic opportunities were few and far between. I was also completely absorbed by a very different project…

Months prior to Covid I’d promised our grandaughter Eloise that I’d redecorate her dolls house. However, I couldn’t fulfill this promise until our first visit since Covid restrictions were lifted in early June, and I was able to move it from Hove to Glastonbury for work to start. This proved to be a challenging and enjoyable project which probably took @ 100 hours to complete, totally diverting me from my photography. Here are three “before” pictures:

I devised a detailed project plan to ensure completion by 18th August, our next visit to Hove. The interior was decorated from remnant paints in the loft used for redecorating inside and outside our (real) house over the years, and all the carpets and curtains were made from my wife’s craft material stock. The major expenditure was the specialist roof slate paper (£20), half the kitchen’s clay tiles (£25), and a sample pot of masonry paint (£4)!

She was quite overwhelmed when she saw it and spent the next two days arranging and rearranging each room from her stock of dolls house furniture, figures and animals. My photographic reward was taking these pictures of a different subject than usual and processing them to maximise the detail, especially the internal rooms. I can now turn my attention to my next project - completely revising my website and use of Instagram: more on this next month…