Acknowledging Coronavirus

This delayed blog was planned to be about our recent trip to South Wales to explore its walks and photographic possibilities. However, the escalating world-wide pandemic and our temporarily changed way of life increasingly made me feel uneasy about posting another set of images as if nothing was happening around us all. It’s too big to ignore!

Carolann and I have been self-isolating for nearly four weeks now due to latent underlying auto-immune conditions . As well as changed routines, more social media connections with family and friends, and catching up on all those things that have gone undone for months, it’s been a time for reflection about many things. The idea for a more meaningful blog came to me a few days ago: a pictorial gallery of some of the most important people, times, events and memories of my life and how they were captured photographically.

This blog is therefore acknowledging the pandemic, and despite its potential horrors, its intention is to recognise the gift of personal reflection and gratitude. The images are not neceassarily best quality but each has a meaning for me and I hope gives you food for thought during these troubled times. Please feel free to add your own thoughts, reflections or insights in Comment below (under Coming Soon) …

NB If viewing on your mobile click a picture then toggle the white dot on and off for the commentary.