Returning to the Tor...

I’m only too aware my last blog was posted in February! There have been a number of reasons impacting this, with three primary causes:

  • From February to May, I immersed myself in a complex 640-page Masters-level self-development book recommended during an on-line course I undertook during Covid. This took much of my focus, concentration and creativity during this period as I systematically worked through the ideas within.

  • At the same time, although I attempted to write my next themed blog, “Enigmatic Energy Centres”, I struggled with both the text and its photographic expression. While this is still unfinished, I’m confident it remains the subject of my next blog.

  • In mid-June I contracted Covid after a few days’ break in Paris, and while I continue to improve week on week, I’m still fatigued and suffering brain fog ☹ which has prevented many daily & creative activities until recently.

However, this blog is evidence that I’m now well enough to pull toegther an interim offering to reflect a recent foray into the countryside with a local professional photographer, Kev Pearson. He has a shop in town and has been offering trips around his favourite sites for taking pictures of Glastonbury Tor, a speciality of his: So for a couple of hours at sunrise a few weeks ago we travelled around five of his favoured sites and these images are the result. They don’t need much explanation and I hope you enjoy them...

Critique: We never saw the sun directly and after an early burst of red clouds, it became increasingly grey and St. Michael’s tower began to disappear in the mist/haze. While I’m happy with the compositions, during processing I noticed that one or two shots are a little out of focus - see if you can find them! I’m also not happy with the overall general processing of some of these - some of the colours are insipid and lack impact. However it’s the first time I’ve done this for five months, and the huge plus is getting back out there :-). Now I’m starting to feel more “normal”, I envisage completing my next blog within the month - that’s certainly my objective!