
Last month’s theme of “Isolation…” became the challenge I thought it might. While some images came naturally, others felt more “forced”, and overall I was less happy with the collection than previous blogs. My main learning is that for a complex subject like this, given the number of specific trips I make a month, it would be better to work up such a theme over a longer period of time to do it justice. So, this month I decided not to have a theme - hence the title “Unfettered…”. I felt liberated, and it was one of my best months photographically, technically, compositionally and motivationally: so much so that I’ve posted twelve images taken from a collection of twenty six presentable shots:

(If viewing these images on a mobile, turn to landscape for best results)

I shall let each image speak for itself. Suffice it to summarise that a) there were some beautiful foggy Autumnal mornings which were highly motivating to get out early to capture the conditions b) I’ve been exploring a local wood pre-lockdown and certain views and specimens I discovered were truly magnificent and c) I’ve been focussing more on how to better enhance the use of light in Lightroom post-processing. This month I feel that I’m becoming more “consciously competent” and my field and processing work-flows are improving from a year ago. Let me know what you think - honest thoughts and ideas are always welcome - thank you!


One of my subsribers suggested last month that it would interesting to show a couple of images and ask others to share their interpretation of them, as we’re all moved in different ways when viewing the same image. I plan to feature this next month - thank you Kitty. Partly related to this, I’m becoming very conscious of the potential power/impact of titles for images, and sometimes struggle with this, especially when I’m posting daily to Instagram. So for some festive fun, I’ve not titled images 1, 2, & 3 above, and am tempting you to think of the most appropriate title for each. On 31st January I’ll review them all and award each proposer of my preferred titles a free print of any image of their choosing from my website on 230gsm Archival Matt Paper.