
I have realised that most of my blogs and past projects have been centred around places or news. This month I wanted a different challenge: to explore expression of emotions through my photography. The theme of “Mysterious” emerged, variously defined as “having an atmosphere of strangeness/secrecy; enigmatic; mystical; exciting curiosity, amazement or awe”. These 6 images were selected from 21 taken during the month:

During five walks and two specific photographic missions at sunrise, I sought to find images that would somehow portray the theme “mysterious” pictorially: I took no other images this month. I was much more consious than usual about the role of light impacting mood, and aimed not to get too hung up about the technical aspects e.g. ISO number, shutter speed and aperture etc., although of course these played their part in the final renditions.

For some, e.g. The world beyond, Mystical sunrise, and Towards the light, I had a pre-conceived idea of the image before I set it up. The others were serendipitous subjects, and I needed to create optimum compositions in the moment. While I’m content with most, on reflection, the sky in A true ancestor is too blue and could have been darkened somewhat.

17 images of the set were posted on Instagram through the month, attracting some helpful commments and feedback: some even achieved 60+ likes! For those interested, go to my Instagram account to view these.

Which of these 6 images strike/s you and why? What emotions might they stir? Your comments, as ever, are valued greatly …