New perspectives...

I confess, this is a more technical blog. However, I still hope you enjoy the images! This month my objective was to run tests on my Carl Zeiss 28-135mm Zoom/Macro lens and D-Xenon 50-200mm telephoto, to create images showing their capability at different settings - hence “New perspectives”. These images are therefore more eclectic subjects rather than themed as they are taken at more unusual distances or closer up than those posted in past months. First, the Carl Zeiss:

I tested this manual lens at ISO 100 for the full range of distances of 135, 100, 70, 50 & 35mm. For each, I shot the full range of apertures: f4, f5.6, f8, f11, f16 & f22. The objective of this exercise was to find any “sweet spots” that would make this lens useable in particular for telephoto shots. I was disappointed! Of the 30 test shots taken, only one was usable: Tower and Tor, and this was not very sharp. However, when experimenting with using this lens to take macro shots, these two were much more successful. "Honeysuckle…” was the crisper of the two given the better lighting conditions; however, it showed me that this lens is worth retaining for macro shots alone.

Next, the D-Xenon 50-200mm telephoto:

I’ve had this lens since 1996, and therefore know it’s generally capable of taking reasonable shots, although it’s a relatively simple lens and retails now on eBay for only £34! I was less systematic in its trialling, but these six shots show the range of distances I tried while out in the field, from 68mm to 200mm. While most shots were acceptable, the one disappointing shot was “Towards South Wales…” which, despite being taken on a tripod, was not sharp at 200mm. My overall evaluation of this lens is that although the results were ok, I couldn’t be confident of consistently high quality shots at various settings and focal lengths. It’s done me remarkably well for 24 years, but it’s now time to replace it with a modern superior telephoto. Did I really need an excuse?!

So, during the latter part of the month I’ve been researching options and have finally opted to purchase the HD PENTAX-DA 55-300mm F4-5.8 ED telephoto which I judge will meet all my needs for the coming years. I’ll feature the testing and use of this in a future blog.

While my attention has been to test the lenses rather than concentrating on pursuing a theme, I’d still be very interested if any of these shots catch your eye and why ….?