Paxos revisited

You might be interested in the resuts of the World Landscape Photographer Competition that was the subject of my last Blog: 4,868 images were entered from 54 countries and £10,000 was raised for UNICEF Covid-19. The following link shows the top 7 prizewinners and 50 commendations - there are some awesome images here so it’s worth a browse: COMPETITION WEBSITE

Paxos revisited

We sadly had to cancel our annual June pilgramage to Loggos in Paxos, so I set the intention to revisit selected images taken in the past two years and reprocess the RAW files in a different way. The objectives of this were to a) use my latest Lightroom skills to portray a new perspective on each image, experimenting with less conventional processes, and b) provide a small collection of images that give some sense of what this place means to me. I selected and processed 16 images: this final 6 are the closest to meeting my chosen objectives and I hope you appreciate them. The criteria to select them were those used for the previous month’s competition i.e. a clear subject; simplicity; composition; use of light; expressing emotion; balance; colour: and timing. What do you think? Which is your favourite, and why? Just click on each image for a brief processing description. For best results view on a laptop or pad. Unfortunately, some mobiles don’t support this facility.

Image of the month: Lone olive Perhaps surprisingly - even to me - I keep returning to this abstract, despite the other more conventional images. I find something arresting in the overall ethereal atmosphere. I’m exploring woodlands a lot at the moment, and this olive grove offers much mystery. Every tree is like an ancient individual, each with its own character, and yet all their branches meet in a tangled community to shelter the grove. A more spiritual interpretation that struck me is of an individual on a quest, supported and guided by the ancestors…